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My hermit crab isnt eating

21 14:51:44

We did an ecosystem project at school where we bought hermit crabs and see if we could keep the hermit crab alive and have it gain weight. Well I brought mine home a few days ago, put it in his tank, and since then he hasn't eaten. He dug himself a hole and just sat in it. This morning, he's hiding in his hiding hole where he is covered with substrate. The temperature is a little above 70 F and the humidity is around 75%. I try to give to him different foods everyday. What is happening? What can I do? Is he gonna die?

He is de-stressing. It is a very common behavior when a crab comes home. Very few will eat right away. You might try offering things like peanut butter or shrimp. They like stinky things. A little coconut warmed up in the microwave or some unseasoned popcorn go over well too. He could also very well be eating at night when you are in bed as most crabs are nocturnal.