Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Hermit Crabs > dead crab? or molting?

dead crab? or molting?

21 14:55:18

I just got my crab on Thursday and on Friday he lost 2 limbs and fell out of his shell, and he still isn't moving! Could he be dead or is he just molting?

Is there a horrid stench? I need you to see if the body is hollow. If it is he is molting, leave the shell alone if he is in there it will scare him to be moved and eventually result in death.

If you don't want to check to see if it is hollow see if there is a little sac where all the organs are located....if it is there it means your crab is not molting...LEAVE THE SHELL ALONE!! The sac is a wet, soft, and icky organ protector.