Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Hermit Crabs > help im freaking out!!!

help im freaking out!!!

21 14:53:09

well first my hermit crab hasn't buried up until today he was buried for 4 days and i picked him up and he was alive and i put him down and he was normal, did i dothe right thing?and ihave a mysterious moss and i got it from my dead plant(Venus fly trap) it was brown but it holds moisture is it ok?and one more question...this is a geography question will hermit crabs be living in Guam, or  turkey(Guam is an island in the pacific near the equator and near Hawaii,turkey is a country in Europe by the ocean?)(were in the military so we might move overseas.

Thanks so much for kind and generous answers

PS.were did all the other experts.  

Okay. First, if he buries himself again leave him alone. You didn't hurt him by picking him up but they dig down sometimes to molt and prefer not to be disturbed.

I wouldn't use the plant moss as they have often been dyed or sprayed with chemicals.

I'm not sure about the other countries. I know that Hermit Crabs are not allowed in Hawaii, but the other contries, maybe. I know we have crabbers in Germany so it's possible. You'll have to check the regulations for each individual country.

Oh, and I don't know where they went!
