Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Hermit Crabs > We made a big mistake with our molting crab

We made a big mistake with our molting crab

21 14:56:20

Hello, we have had our crab for about a month. This morning when we checked on it it looked lifeless and we immediately assumed it was dead. We put it in water and nothing and then I just put it in a box until my daughter came home from school. When my dauther came home we took it outside and buried it. Then my devasted daughter went online and we read that it could have been molting. We ran outside and took him out of the sand and put it back in the cage. We read we shouldn't disturb it while molting. The store didn't warn us about the molting stage. Did we hurt our crabby or do you think it still has a chance. It's not moving at all and it is just laying to the side with half of his body out. Please please help!

Sorry to hear about your crab. Pet stores usually don't have the correct information to give to customers.

Do you notice a bad dead fish smell? If no, he may not have passed away. Molting can be stressful to them, and they are lethargic after molting.

Please keep me updated. Here's a website to get more information on molting and land hermit crabs.