Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Hermit Crabs > hermit crab shock or molting?

hermit crab shock or molting?

21 14:57:33

my little girl dropped one of her hermit crabs onto a hard surface (approx 2 feet). the crab was placed back in it's habitat. it then lost a leg, became lethargic, and now has come halfway out of it's shell and stop moving. it's colour has always been a pale cream. how long should i wait before i can tell if it has died or is starting it's molting process?

It may have received some internal damage from the drop, especially if it was onto a hard surface. Dropping a leg can be from stress or an injury to the leg.
If the crab has passed you will notice an ordor, like dead fish. It will be very strong.
At this point, I don't think it's molting due to the information you provided.
For more information on crab emergency issues please feel free to visit
and visit the Crabby 911 forum.
Please keep me updated and I hope your crab makes it.