Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Hermit Crabs > molting please get back as soon as possible

molting please get back as soon as possible

21 14:54:53

hi, i got 2 hermit crabs last summer. i don't know their age and i am not sure about their gender ( but it may be male). 1 of them may be molting or i hate to say this dead ( i hope not!). he is in his shell not moving. exept 1 time i was checking on them and he did not move so i took a sponge and gently touched his big claw. i was glad to see him move a bit. i hope i did not disturb him. he is not burying himself which i heard was normal.  i live in florida which obviosly has high humiditiy so should i keep him outside under shade or inside?  if so at what tempature? also should i seperate them?  Thanks much,Charly

They should not need to be separated. It could be that they are simply destressing. You should be keeping them in a 74-82 zone of temperature and humidity. Make sure they both have fresh and salt water (dechlorinated)(salt should be ocean aquarium salt).

Don't worry, if he wants to be buried he will bury himself.

Hang in there!