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My pet hermit crab

21 14:51:26

QUESTION: I have had my pet hermit crabs for a few year but I have just recently gotten a new pet hermit crab. He is in a 10 gallon tank  I was thinking  about getting him a friend to go with him in the tank but the problem is is he is a jumbo hermit crab would I beable to get another jumbo crab for him to have a friend or would this be a bad idea.

ANSWER: Jessicah, Sure you can. They can pick on each other sometimes especially if they are alot bigger. After you have had your jumbo or soldier crab  for abit and you know his or her personality and it is getting along with everyone well then would be the time to try to add another. Also what I did in my tank so they could exercise and play is went to the hobby shop and got thick twine and I knotted it into pieces of like fishing net. I hung it on three sides of my tank and used green duct tape and taped them around the outside of the top of my tank and leaned it away from the glass abit and duct taped it to the bottom of my tank inside so they don't bang against the glass. You put the grated top back on with something on top to keep it down. I have a couple potted plants but my crabbie's are in a 45 and I have around 30 I It gives you more space for more friends and they have a blast on it. It can be abit noisy at If you here any chirping that will be from your soldier. Make sure you deepen your sand now for your new crab. Good Luck, Tina

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Where would I beable to find shells that are big enough for him to live in when he needs to to change shells. It is hard for me to find any jumbo ones

Jessicah, The best way and the cheapest is order them can get them cheaper by ordering a few for your big guys and a few for your little guys too. You can never have enough shells. Good Luck, Tina