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Old Hermit

21 14:56:32

This is more of a statement I wish to share. Thank you for listening. My hermit crab just died and I am devastated. He was extremely special in that he and his buddy outlived all the others we have ever had. He was the first to join our home and LIVED FOR 8 1/2 YEARS! We are happy that he lived this long and enjoyed his silly antics throughout the years. His name was Claw and after changing many times over the years died in his original shell. Just thought I'd pass that on. Thanks...

Mari,                                                        I am soooooo sorry to hear about claws demise. I am sure he was very comical and full of personality. Mine are. I have a couple that to streak now an then and a few that like to change shells everyday so I can'tkeep track of them.I am glad you had that long with him. He was obviously VERY HAPPY. Love is a wonderful thing just keep giving it to the rest of your babies.Good Luck, Tina... just a little thing I give mine a little tuna now and then they Love it .