Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Hermit Crabs > help!!!


21 14:53:18


I'm confused people say that hermit crabs don't need salt water but some do so do they? And do hermies need real plants because everytime i check out that one web my internet explorer cannot connect.Also can i have a heater(hermit crab recomended)that sticks to the side of the crabitat?And people say that the smaller the hermit crab the more its gonna live becaue ive read an articall on this website that said that,is that true and will they attack dogs because I have a basset and it is nice?And are they able to eat seamonkeys  because I have allot and I can dry them out?

All hermit crabs need salt water to aid in their metabolism and to create the proper salinity in the water they keep in their shells.

Live plants are great in the crabitat but not necessary. More of a treat.

I think that the only crab that has a lower survival rate are jumbos (the size of tangerines or bigger) and strawberry hermit crabs. The rest have about the same survival rate.

They do not attack anything but will pinch if they feel threatened. Honestly I can't think of a situation where your hermit crab would come in contact with your dog, they should be kept separate.

Yes they can eat dried sea monkeys and would enjoy it quite a bit!