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How do hermit crabs have babies?

21 14:56:48

Do the babies  come as eggs?
Do they come as sperms?
Do they immediantly move into shells??
About how old can they live up to?
How big does the cage need to be for two hermit crabs?
Is there another way to tell weather they are male or female, besides pulling them out of their shell?  

Okay, lot's of questions!  LOL

Do the babies  come as eggs?
Yes, the female lays eggs which she deposits in the ocean.

Do they come as sperms?
The boys do fertilize the eggs yes.

Do they immediantly move into shells??
No, they live in the ocean for awhile while they are very very small, after they grow and eat and grow some more they crawl onto the beach and move into tiny shells.

About how old can they live up to?
In the wild, hermit crabs have been estimated to live around 50 years.

How big does the cage need to be for two hermit crabs?
Two hermit crabs can live comfortably in a 10 gallon tank.

Is there another way to tell weather they are male or female, besides pulling them out of their shell?
You do not have to pull them out to see the gonopores. You can wait until they try to climb the glass and then peak at their underside with a flashlight.