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21 14:56:32

QUESTION: Heh, it's me again, sorry. I just found this site and saw it as the answer to everything my crabs need. xD As per usual, this question is actually two questions, so, enjoy.

I have a crab, my largest, who's in a to-small shell (He can't get anywhere near all the way inside it) yet, I've providing him with every number of bigger shells I can find, in various shapes and sizes, and he just walks right past (Or over...) them to get to his next climbing journey. He's a Purple Pincher, and I was wondering if it was possible he was stuck in his shell, or if he REALLY just likes his to-small shell.

The second thing I was wondering is if my food-selection is a good one. I use fresh fruits and vegetables, usually including pumpkin, tomato, banana, coconut oil. I also provide oak leaves, grape leaves, clover, grape and oak bark, peanut butter, and sea salt. I also use a dry food mix I make myself which consists of sea salt, oak leaves, brown and white rice (I know brown is supposed to be better, but I read that white contains more thiamin and iron, so...), krill, bloodworms, and calci-sand. I also have a whole coconut I have yet to crack, and I plan on going to the store in a week or so, with a list of what I need to buy...Any suggestions? I want to see if they have seaweed, which I doubt they do. Also, would Spirulina be found in the pet section, or what?

Thanks for your time (Again...). And happy crabbing!

ANSWER: Very unlikely that he is stuck. Try washing the shells out with dechlor. water and placing them, full of water, mouth up. That often gets my crabs to change shells. Otherwise you will have to wait until he is ready. If he is a bit larger, you might try getting some tapestry turbos. My picky PP's always love going for the tapestry turbo shells.

Your food selection sounds great. It sounds like you are ready for the big list. Go to

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you.=D Though, what exactly is a Tapestry Turbo? I know what a Turbo is, just not tapestry. Also, do you have any tips for getting extra shells? I can't buy stuff of the internet, and my only source of new shells are those baskets you see at Hobby-Lobby and Wal-Mart.

Tapestry turbo is brown with white small dots on it here and there. I get most of my shells through trade. I make my own food and trade for other crab supplies. Pet stores sometimes have shells sadly from the crabs that have died while being in the petstore.