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New Hermit Crabs

21 14:52:10


I just got new hermit crabs. I have had hermit crabs before but they died within a year or so. How my hermit crab died I think they were molting or something. They had come out of their shells but didn't go in a new one. One morning I found them out of their shells just sitting there dead looking.  Since then I have been doing alot of research on them incase I ever get some more. I have learned that they are suppose to live up too 10 to 15 years. I have gotten new hermit crabs. I wanted to know if you could give me some tips so that the same thing wouldn't happen again. And I also have another question, if it is okay to use  heat lamp to keep my hermit crabs warm. THANKS!!!

ANSWER: Here, read this article from my website about the proper setup for a hermit crab.

As for the heat lamp, I recommend sunglo bulbs instead because the do keep the place warm but not so many issues with humidity.

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QUESTION: Hi again,

I had seen that my hermit crabs needed more sand. So I had gotten them some coconut fiber dirt, and in like 25 minutes after I put it in their tank they had buried themselves into it. I have two hermit crabs. One of them carried two empty shells under the dirt with it, one  larger than the one it has on and one smaller than the one it has on. The other one has buried itself very deep in the dirt. When they dug into the ground they didn't make a like tunnel like I see other crabs do, but the dirt is completely covered over them. They are still alive I know it. Is something wrong with that. Are my crabs molting? If they are can you give me some tips and advice on what to do? THANKS!!


ANSWER: Dont worry, it's very normal! Crabs love to dig and they seem to really love digging in fiber bedding!

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What should I do about my hermit crabs in the ground? Should I dig them up? I have not been able to even see them in two days. I want to be able to interact with them a little more. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! What should I do.


Please do not dig up your hermit crabs. Burying themselves is a very natural behavior. They may be under ground for some time. My first crabs were under for 5 weeks before they came back up. It's just a fact of having hermit crabs. They are not really the best pet if you want one that is interactive. They are crustaceans. A better interactive pet would be a hamster or a rat.