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molting naked hermit crab

21 14:57:07

I got up this morning and found that one of my crabs was naked.  I moved him into a plastic box with several shells so he could go back into one--that is what I was told to do by another site.  I came back a few hours later and he had molted!  His exoskeleton is beside him and he is still naked and not moving a whole lot-just enough that I know he is not dead yet.  He did not bury, but is inside a "crabby hut".  I know the box he is in is not a suitable molting tank, but I had no signs that he was about to molt.  Now I am afraid he will die.  Is there anything I can do to help him?  I know I can't move him at this point, but I also know that the temp and humidity is not ideal for a molting crab.  Please help, I am afraid I'll lose him.

Can your plastic box fit into the main tank where the humidity and temp are ok? If not try your best to keep the temp and humidity stable. Keep him where it's warm, wet towel over the plastic box will help with humidity. I wouldnt move him out of the box, this is too stressful of a time.