Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Hermit Crabs > My Hermit Crabs comming out of there shells.

My Hermit Crabs comming out of there shells.

21 14:54:31

My sister and I were going in my room to hang out and when we got in there, we noticed dthat 2 out of my 3 hermit crabs were not in there shells.See, i didn't expect this to happen so fast because one of them was very,very small so, i didn'tknow what to do.Then, I started to panick. Then I found them next to my water bowl. So what I did was I put them into seperate tupperwares and put some gravel, food, and water in it and let them sit. So I come back about 10 or so min. later, and they both haven't moved from that same spot. I thought that they were just in shock. Then I noticed that there little aniennas weren't comming out. So, please tell me whats going on. This is my first time having Hermit Crabs and I didn't expect 2 of them to come out at the some time. I really don't know what to do.
           Thanks a million,


What do your temperature and humidity gauges read?

You mentioned you have gravel. Gravel is not a hermit crab safe substrate that we recommend. It's safe to use Forest Bedding, Eco Earth or child safe playsand.

How long have you had the hermit crabs?

Hermit crabs will not leave their shells since it's their only protection, unless something is wrong. There might be something in the shell or the temperature may be too hot.

Once you reply I can try to help you more.

For more information on land hermit crabs feel free to visit this site.