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Crabbie not eating and quiet

21 14:56:08

My Ecuadorian hermie has not eaten in about a week that I know of. He does peak out of his shell when we hold him  but he does not move around in his crabitat. We have checked for mites and fungus and the 2 Purple Pinchers crabs are fine. He is not digging or showing any other molting signs.I have isolated him and just watching. An ideas?

Dear Colleen,
thank you for your question.
Smooth out the substrate around the crab, that way you can see whether he has moved at all during the night. Keep the humidity high in the iso tank and just leave him alone as much as possible. It might be that he will molt, although he's not ahowing any signs now, or he might be sick. Either way, there's not much you can do except providing perfect conditions for him. Honey is a good food because it's an energy booster and foods like krill, mushrooms, dead insects, brine shrimp, shrimp exo, extra cuttlebone are high in chitin and calcium, which he will need during a molt.
I hope I was of some help to you