Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Hermit Crabs > MY hermit isnt eating.

MY hermit isnt eating.

21 14:58:12

Hi i am a new hermit crab owner. I purchased a small size crabbie (Purple Pincher). I am not sure why isn't it eating. The first time i fed them carrots the enjoyed it, But the following times, they didn't eat anymore. I tried a variety of food. For instance, dried shrimps and vegetables. Please help me. Is my crabbie sick? and how can tell whether its enjoying itself?

Depending on how new the crab is, there's a period of destressing. They may or may not eat at this time. Keep putting food in the tank and make sure to offer a variety of foods to him.
Try popping some plain popcorn (no salt/butter) and add it to the tank. Honey mixed with some crushed cuttlebone is another good hit!