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my hermit crabs

21 14:53:30

hi, my name is kayla i got 2 hermies for my b-day on december 6 and the other day one of them died. i have them in around a 1 gallon plastic case..( i know thats bad but i let them roam my carpet and climb almost everynight) i got another one a few days after. they have a plastic palm tree. 2 dishes i give them tap water i mist them. i give them FMR hermit crab food. my room is really cold but i try to stick them by my space heater sometimes. But i cant afford anything right now what do you recommend i could do for my hermies just for right now? Like stuff anyone would have it home..outside stuff...etc. I just want the best home for them for now i feel so bad. :( :( :(


This is a very tough question. Crabs come from a tropical climate and they are built to function in high heat, high humidity environment where they have access to fresh dechlorinated water (is your water dechlorinated?) and ocean style salt water.

Then also need a variety of foods, not just commercial foods. You can see a list of safe foods on this website.

I would recomment that you keep the tank as warm as you can, consistantly and work hard to get their conditions corrected as soon as you can.