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New crab inactive, not eating, and not burying

21 14:52:28

Hi there,

I brought home a hermie (purple pincher) from the beach less than 5 days ago. I didn't know anything about taking care of them until I started reading articles online. I had no idea about temperatures, humidity levels, proper homes for them, etc. Thus, the little "guy" stayed in his little plastic carrier that's sold with them for quite some time (probably a total of 5 days) - and in the heat (not in the hot car though!) and jostled around a bit until I could get him home and buy a proper tank for him.

My question is that he is not interested in doing anything! He hasn't eaten at all (I've obsessively monitored the food, even waking up all hours of the night to check if he's moved), and only stays hidden under a hut I bought him. More curiously, he doesn't like the sand I put in there and seems to prefer resting on surfaces like shells, or even just the bare glass bottom. I'm worried that I am somehow stressing him out that he wouldn't be eating or moving. I've heard they can go up to a week without eating - but I can't imagine he's been drinking much either.

I have him in a 2.5 gallon tank with half of it filled with about 3 inches of high desert sand, a medium sponge, extra shells, hermie hut, sticks, etc. and still some room for him to just roam if he desires. THe temp and humidity are monitored obsessively by me - I adjust it by opening or closing the glass lid as needed, spritzing as needed, adding (for now) a lamp nearby if it gets chilly, and it more or less stays within the recommended range on the gauge I bought.

About once or twice a day, I take him out of the cage for a walk. He only responds when I put him on my hand and sing to him!!! THen he comes straight out, off my hand, onto our long kitchen table and roams around until he finds something he can hide under. Not sure if that means he enjoys this or not - should I continue to let him be acquainted with me, or leave him alone? The slightest motion or movement by me during these walks makes him go back into his shell again for long periods, despite any gentle coaxing on my part.

I leave him fresh food and water every night before bedtime. A variety of recommended foods - tried many different things.

I'm sorry if I'm rambling - this is just my first experience with hermies and I find that I've gotten quite attached to him/her.

So, bottom line:

1) How long should I leave him alone? Can this go on for weeks? No food, water, activity?

2) Also, should I try the daily walks to get him comfy with me?

3) And why in the world wouldn't he like SAND? He prefers smooth surfaces!?!

4) my friends tell me he's lonely, that he needs a companion and that might be why he's hiding out. Is it too soon to get him one, and what if that sends him into over-shock? I've read stories online of them killing each other if you get an overly aggressive one. This one is shy and very quiet (for now), not aggressive at all. Is he lonely??? Could that be part of it?

Thanks so much for your help - I really appreciate any input you can offer, as I've heard so many different things but feel that maybe my "hermie" is in a different place.

Generally a crab that comes home takes several weeks to adjust. That is why I always joke that you better take a picture because you're not going to see them for awhile. You could try coconut fiber bedding like EcoEarth and see if your crabs likes that better.

Do you offer your crab fresh and salt water in pools deep enough for your crab to climb into them? The need to be able to get water in their shells of both kinds.

Introducing a new crab right now would probably be a great idea since they would both still be new. But it is pretty normal for them to go into hide mode. Generally, if your crab is hiding a lot, handling should be eliminated.