Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Hermit Crabs > My Hermit Crab Just Lost His Big Claw Will He Be Okay??????

My Hermit Crab Just Lost His Big Claw Will He Be Okay??????

21 14:53:29

My hermit just lost his big claw will he be able to live without it?? I am scared for him!!!! Will he be able to eat and do stuff with it????? Get back to me ASAP

as long as it isn't the feeding AND bigger claw they will be fine. you may have to hand feed him with a toothpick and baby food. They will grow back. If you are concerned with if he can eat, feed him yourself. He should be fine unless you have another really aggressive crab that may attack him. Stress is a main cause...if you are unsure about your habitat and feeding (they give BADDD information)and the temp and humidity go to they have great info!!
