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21 14:57:05

one of my hermit crabs just died will that effect the other one?
what type of bedding is best for them?
and how long do they live?

thank u for taking you time to read this.
i would really appreciate it if you could answer these questions as soon as possible.     -thank u,
                                   gonzalo :D

Dear Gonzalo,
thank you for your question.
Hermit crabs can live up to 50 years. There are two crabs that have been with their owner for more than 30 years.
For bedding, you can use sand - playsand is fine, just wash it and bake it - or coconut fibre bedding: Eco Earth or Forest Bedding, it comes in a brick and needs to be soaked in water. The brick will expand and you just need to squeeze the water from the bedding, ti will reselmble coffee grounds adter that. It's great for keeping the humidity up. You can also use a mixture or a combination of both sand and coconut fibre bedding.
It may be that the crab that died was sick or it was just stressed, especially when you haven't had them for a long time. There are some disease that can affect all crabs in a tank, but they are rare, so I'd say that the other crab will be fine. You just need to get it some more friends, hermit crabs are very social.
Here are some crab care websites that you may find interesting:

I hope I was of some help to you