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Different types of water & food

21 14:52:31


My hermit crabs
Hi, i need help, i bought a hermit crab at a small market yesterday before leaving the beach in Delaware, the girl there told us any type of water will do but i read on another hermit crab website that you should use only filtered or bottled water, i only have well water,so is it ok for the hermit crab, and at the same place (i bought everything there) i bought hermit the crab crab food and it has copper sulfate in it and the other hermit crab website said that it isn't good either should I still use it?

You need to dechlorinate your water even though it is well water.

Do not feed the copper sulfate food. Hermit crabs are actually much more complex to care for than many "shops" will honestly tell you. They have very specific needs. and are all sites that I am affiliated with that have good, accurate, up to date information on how to care for hermit crabs. You need to do a lot of research and decide if you want to provide an environment that your crabs will thrive in.