Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Hermit Crabs > Hermit Crabs.

Hermit Crabs.

21 14:56:12

I Do not own a hermit crad YET.
But would like to get one..
But I'm Wondering What size tank(Gallons) He Would Need and what Substrate, and plants rocks etc.  Also Is there Different Types Of Hermit Crab Pets, What does he eat?

The general Bio on them. How big they get etc.

Thank you,

Hi Steve!

Congratulations on your upcoming pet. You've made a great choice. And bravo to you for doing research BEFORE you get them.

I recommend a first tank size of 20 gallons although you can get the job done with 10. However most new crab owners get the urge to "upgrade" so its' easier to already be in a bigger tank to start with. Plus it accomodates the floor items better.

You've got a lot of very basic and very complex questions here that I could never answer all in one shot here. People have written BOOKS about it.

I would direct you to

It has a very comprehensive article and care database that would more than answer questions you might have, and probably some you dont!