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Naked Hermit Crab

21 14:56:00

  This morning when i woke up, i discovered that my crab was naked. It got out of its shell because its shell got stuck between a decorative toy. Therefore, I isolated it and put its ideal shell inside a small tank. Until now, my crab hasn't got back to its shell. It will be maybe a couple of hours before you receive this message. What should I do? Will it die?

Dear Justin,
thank you for your question.
As long as you keep the humidity high, the crab won't die just from going naked, they can survive a long time like that. He's probably very stressed right now because he was forced to leave his shell and that's why he didn't move back until now. Offer a few other shells so that he has a selection of them. You can also try to gently coax him back into his old shell by moistening his abdomen, the shell and your fingers and very slowly put his abdomen back into the shell. I would only try that once and if it doesn't work, just put him back into the ISO tank so that he can choose himself, being handled is very stressful for him in that situation. Offer both salt and fresh water, so that he can keep his abdomen moist if he wants to (food, too, of course).
I hope I was of some help to you