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choosing between hermit and crayfish

21 14:56:24

i am choosing betwen them because a hermit crab dosent need as much space as a crayfish and its smaller but he needs too much stuff and the store i go to has many painted shells and a crayfish because in my opioin it looks better and its not as shy but it needs alot of space and alot of rocks but what if i get a little crayfish. either 1 i buy im gonna put them in a 12 inch by 6 inch plastic container is that good? also which ever you guys think i should pick can you tell me the tips of choosing a healthy one that isnt sick and is active.

Well most if not all hermit crabs sold in petstores are land hermit crabs requiring dry land either of sand or barkchips and shallow water dishes that are easy to get in and out of(sadly they have been known to rown in deep dishes!) they are easy to handle but you must have two or more they hate being alone...and live in groups of 100+ in there natural habitat. Crawfish are thelittle lobster looking things I think, can't be handled and eat live fish also need a ten gallon tank minimum to be able to get a good filter/pump/decos and room to grow. You want a ten gallno tank for hermit cras as well in that size tank you can have 2 very large crabs tennis ball sized, or 4/5 golf ball sized or 6 smaller then that,