Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Hermit Crabs > asap matter of death or molt!

asap matter of death or molt!

21 14:54:34

my hermit crab is out of its shell and won't move I tryed blowing on him and he didnt move plus I dived the cage so he wont be hurt by the other hermits becuse they aren't gentel and some how I find the other hermit crabs on the other half when I get home from school! what do I dad picked him up and and this morning I found what looks like skin next to him and nothing smells. What is happening!GET BACK ASAP! emily

Sorry I have to go to the library to answer these as my computer recently broke. If it is hollow he molted, if it is him he is most likly dead. If you look deep down into the shell you might be able to see him but he might be too far down leave every thing alone and don't touch him.
