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New Crab

21 14:54:49

I want to know where you got your crabs or some good places to buy them.

You can get your hermit crabs from most petstores and occasionally you can possibly adopt some from an spca. Just make sure you check the condition of the crabs before you buy them, it may seem callous, but it is better for a store-abused crab to die in the store tank than in yours after you've invested emotional, financial and possibly the health of your future crabs. You want to always check to make sure there are at least the following provisions provided for crabs before you buy them: a BOWL or water, fresh looking food, clean environment, hiding places, heat source, thermometer and humidity guage. Check that the humidity is at least 55, higher is MUCH better, but any lower and those crabs are most likely slowly dying of lack of oxygen. The heat should be above 65 and below 90. If the first store you go to doesn't meet at least most of these criteria, DON'T shop there, you will most likely be wasting your money. I buy mine from a local petsmart and a local smaller mom and pop pet store, both of which treat their crabs very good.