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Crab Streaking

21 14:55:22

One if my crabs has come out of it's shell recently. I'm relatively sure a shell fight caused it, as i bought a new crab and discovered it in the crab in questions shell whilst the other crab was streaking. I have put him in a container with a bit of water in the bottom and a selection of shells but he doesn't seem to be interested in them?? I'm really worried what should I do????

There could be a few resons why the crabs go naked. One is heat. How hot is the tank the crab is in?

Another could be that there is something in the shell he was wearing. Can you find the old shell and check it? Make sure that the shells you are offering him are clean and about the size and a bit bigger of the one he was in.

Stress is also a factor. Try not to handle or disturb him as that will add stress to him. I know it's hard and you want him in a shell. Keep checking on him and make sure the temperature and humidity are in the correct range.