Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Hermit Crabs > Sudden Attack???

Sudden Attack???

21 14:51:51

Shrimpy "who I've had for 12 years" and Chance "who I've had for 6 months" have gotten along just fine up until now. For about two weeks now I noticed the Chance is spending alot of time in areas of the tank as far away from shrimpy. Just yesterday I was observing Shrimpy approach Chance. Chance immediately partially withdrew into her shell as Shrimpy approached and then they began to antennae fight, this did not last long, Shrimpy lunged at Chance. I of course intervened and separated the two. After a moment of watching at what they would do I picked up Shrimpy by the shell, and all of a sudden SHRIMPY TRIED TO ATTACK ME?!?!?! I've had Shrimpy for a long time and Shrimpy has never acted like this. No wonder Chance was trying to keep away from him. For the time being regretfully I separated the two into two different tanks "just in case Shrimpy has been preventing Chance of feeding" and so that I don't wake up tomorrow morning to find a dead crab.

-plenty of food "protein, minerals, fruit, and sponges"
-plenty of room
-plenty of appropriate shells

Why is Shrimpy so aggressive? Chance has far passed submitting to the dominant Shrimpy "the one I've had for 12 years"

When was the last time that Shrimpy molted? What type of shell are they both in? Can you send me a picture? What exactly did the crab do when they attacked the other crab and you.

Oh and a 12 year old crab! Bravo! We know they can live a very long time but we don't often see long lived crabs in captivity!