Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Hermit Crabs > PLEASE HELP!!!! Hermit crab is stuck

PLEASE HELP!!!! Hermit crab is stuck

21 14:54:35

I sure someone has already posted something about this, but I dont have the time to look through.  I have been taking care of hermit crabs for 5 years now, but they have all been very little.  I recently "rescued" 3 hermit crabs that were not taken care of properly and they are HUGE!  One is stuck in his shell and I dont know how to get him out.  I have read that you can take nail clippers and chip away the top of the shell, but I really dont feel comfortable doing that.  Is there any other way I could somehow get him out of there without pulling him out?

Hmmmmmmm.....I really can;t think of any other way, but are you sure he is stuck? Give him a while to get comfortable. I have had onces that take a couple of weeks before they decide to grace me with their presence. So give him a little bit see if he will come out with a luke warm bath.