Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Hermit Crabs > my crabs!!!???!?

my crabs!!!???!?

21 14:55:41

my hermit crab as a prob.
he was hiding under the sand for about a week or 2. i was out of town for 3 days and my mother dug him up to see if he was ok, even when i told her not to! (he was trying to grow back his legs, when i got him he was missing some) when i got back he hadn't went back in to hiding, he just stayed in hes shell. he molted yesterday and today when i got home i looked in om all my crabs like i normaly do and he is not i his shell i looked in all the shells and could not find him. then i found him! hes hiding under a big sponge, with NO shell!!!!
what do i do.???????
ps i moved all the other crabs out for right now.

Rinse his shell out well, roll the shell in the water to get all the way back to the back. Pick him up gently and place him, tail end into the shell. Gently tap on his armor plate (the part behind his eyes), this should trigger him to withdraw into the shell.

What is your temperature/humidity? What did you do with his exoskeleton?