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molting help

21 14:52:30

I need your help please. I bought two hermit crabs yesterday and one of them has already changed into a new shell tried on another and changed back into his new shell already. Does this means he will be molting soon or needs to molt? And if so what do I do? The habitat the crabs are in do not have any sand to dig into and has nothing to hide under.And I heard when they molt the other crabs try to eat them. Will I have to try separating him from the other crab as well?

Shell changing is very common for a new crab. It doesn't necessarily mean he will molt. I am concerned about your crabitat though. Diggable substrate and hiding places are vital for crab health. As are carefully controlled humidity and temperature. You also need to offer them fresh and salt water that is deep enough for them to climb into.

Providing diggable substrate should solve your molting problem.