Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Hermit Crabs > sick or dying?

sick or dying?

21 14:52:58

we have 6 crabs, my first one pebbles has always been the most inactive, we offer her shells of all sizes and she is usualy more active at night, though she always moved very slow, recently we changed the substrate to sand and she went to digging right away, was under for 2 days before she surfaced and was more inactive then normal, tonight i found her half out of her shell, not moving half in her fresh water bowl, at first i thought she was dead but she didnt smell and I saw her move very slightly, i have moved her to an isolation tank since, but Im not sure if she is sick or dying? any ideas? she has gone very pale

What is the temperature and humidity in your tank? What kinds of water do you offer?

She very well could be in pre-molt. If the conditions in your tanks are right, the most you can do for now is wait and see. Continue to support her with a light/dark cycle.