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hermit crab illnesses

21 14:56:23

my hermit crab fell out of its shell and was foaming at the mouth it didn't die but he still is weak I need to know if my other hermit crabs will be ok.

Kaitlin,                                                     I am sorry he will probably not make it. You need to mist him immediately. He is not getting enough humidity in his home. He is trying to make it himself.That is the foam coming out of his mouth. It won't happen though. At this point if he is still alive I would spray him well and go get lots of shells and some stress coat from the pet shop. Dip his abdomen in it and let him find a new shell.Give him some privacy to do this.  You need to get an under the tank heater for warmth and make a salt bath available to him often. You also need to mist him a couple times a day. Even though they don't live under water they need lots of moisture, but not so much that you make his substrate attract larvae flies and he gets mites. ...Good Luck,Tina