Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Hermit Crabs > mites!


21 14:54:47

Hi, i love this site! I have 14 hermit crabs.Most i have rescued from pet store abuse or homes where they weren't being taken care of. about a month ago i received 6. Most of them buried right away. I found mites in the tank a few days ago. I had 4 crabs still buried. i had to dig them up! i had no choice.i have sanitized the tank, boiled items and bathed the crabs. one unburied crab molted on top after he was placed back in the tank. i moved him to iso tank. he is pink and has moved. i put his skeleton in with him. will he be ok since he had to molt on top. another crab stopped moving so i separated it to. For 2 days i found him upside down. i have never had one do that before does this mean he is he going to die or could he be surfacing molting too. he isn't moving!thank you for listening.

Anytime a crab molts it could go smoothly or end badly. It's hard to say about your surface molter. It was good to put the exoskeleton in with him. Make sure to offer proteins, honey and calcium and don't disturb him unless it's to put in food and water.

As for your upside down crab, there was talk on hermit crab forums about this, and some members had their crabs pass away after this. Keep an eye on him and provide high protein foods to him.

Please keep me updated.