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Saltwater and Decorations

21 14:51:45

I hope you don't mind but I have two questions.  First, can I use ocean water (I live very close to the beach) for the salt water in the crabitat?

Next, our pets were purchased at a beach store and we bought a colored starfish to decorate.  Tonight I noticed one of the hermies eating it.  I took it out as a precaution as I don't know about the paint.

I am so glad I decided to research.  I am in love with these creatures now.  Sadly, ours do have painted shells as the kids picked them out..but they will soon get replacements.

You can but there is always the risk of pollution or microorganisms that could harm your crabs.

Crabs should be isolated from things like that that are artificially colored as they will eat anything.

Also be careful with sand dollars as the travel stores often bleach them or purchase bleached ones to sell in the shops.