Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Hermit Crabs > my hermit crab is naked!!

my hermit crab is naked!!

21 14:52:28

hi,, 2 nites ago i got home and my hermit crab has shed its exoskeliton.. yesterday i checked on it and it was eating it.. then this morning when i checked it was naked/ out of its shell.. i have taken him out of the tank and isolated him in  cup with his shell to try and get him bak in there.. i have been trying all day with many different shell but it is not working.. please help!! i think my crab likes being naked!!

Take his old shell and rinse it well in dechlorinated water, really roll the water in and out of his shell. Take the crab and rinse him/her off in fresh water. Place the crabby but into the opening of his old shell and gently tap him on the armor plate (right behind the eyes), this should trigger his withdraw reflex and get him back into the shell. Good luck.