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Molting - No Isolation Tank

21 14:56:19

Hi Lola,
We've had our two hermit crabs for about a year.  I'm pretty sure at least one of them has molted before, because it climbed face first into the largest shell of the tank for a long time and it's body/legs looked much lighter (pink) afterwards.

For a long time, I only had one light attached to our crabitat to provide the correct temperature.  Our other crab (Jessie) pretty much just huddled up in the back corner for a very long time.  A few days ago I replaced the working light and added the second one to get the temp back up to around 80*F.  Since then, Jessie has been extremely active and instead of just huddling in the corner, she is actively digging in the corners.

I don't have an isolation tank, mainly because we can't afford to buy the tank, heater, etc.  Right now I have about 2 1/2 to 3 inches of sand in the tank.  She dug down a bit but never actually tried turning face up like I've read they'd do.  Do you think this is just because she hasn't been able to get deep enough?  If I add more sand into the tank to get it to about 6 inches, should I spritz an area of the crabitat so it's moist enough for her to dig down?

Thanks in advance for your advice,

Crabs molt in all different ways. I rarely see mine but the ones I have seen don't always do that. I would leave her be to molt the way that she wants to. If you want to add more sad, I would moisten it with dechlorinated water before adding it so that it is almost sand castle consistancy.

I doubt it is about depth but as long as it's twice as deep as her shell is tall you are fine!

Good luck!