Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Hermit Crabs > molting?????


21 14:56:17

I have 7 hermit crabs all in the same tank. I am not sure when either will molt. My problem is if my crabs dig all the time how can i be sure if they are molting? I thought if one starts to dig and doesnt come out for 2 days to switch them to another tank that i have. Is 2 days too long?

Lethargy and ashy eyes are signs that your crabs may be molting. However, I do not recommend that you dig up crabs unless it's an emergency. Molting isn't an emergency. You can let them molt in the main tank without moving them to ISO. I do this with my crabs and find that its less stressful for them.
For more info on molting feel free to check out this website.