Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Hermit Crabs > FISH TANK GRAVEL OK FOR HERMIT CRAB?


21 14:54:36

I know you answered this in previous post, but I was specifically wondering about the NEON FISH GRAVEL found at WalMart, etc. The directions indicate I should soak for 24 hours before exposing fish to this gravel in the aquarium. I just got my little hermit crabs and want them to be happy. The sand seemed to clog their shells. So I got this fish tank gravel, but now I am wondering if it is toxic to them because it is NEON. Help!

Gravel is dangerous for a couple of reasons. First the neon paint can and will chip off and the crabs will pick at it and eat it. Probably more dangerous to the crabs though is the risk of gravel is that pieces get back inside the shell and can injure the crabs soft abdomen.

Make sure your crabs have water pools deep enough for them to get water inside their shells, they can clean out the sand pretty efficiently as long as they have access to standing water.