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salt water bowls

21 14:56:13

Do you have to have a salt water bowl for your crabs? and if i found out that one of my crabs were pregnant what do you do?

Paige,                                                       There is no such thing as a domestic hermit crab pregnant. They have been trying to recreate it in labs for years and they can't. The only time you get baby crabs is when they catch them full of eggs carried by them. If you have a crab with tons of little clear eggs stuck to her on her body in her shell..... congrats mommy..... not that it can't happen. As far as salt water baths......absolutely... they love it at least once a week. Make sure your water isn't too deep so that she don't drown. If you want to know sex. Try to get her to come out of her shell pretty far. If she has two spots on either side behind her last back legs on the beginning of her abdomen  she is female.... if not he is a boy....Tina