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My Hermit Crab Is Scared Of Me!

21 14:51:34

I see my hermit crab out all the time. When I come to pick him up, he locks himself in his shell and refuses to come out. I try wetting him with water and holding him but he just won't come out. I don't know if he's shy or if there's a problem. I'm pretty sure he's not getting adjusted to his new home because it's July 2010 right now and I got him in February 2010. How can I get him used to me and get him to let me hold him?

To be honest, some crabs never get use to people. I have a few crabs that I have had for years that never come out when I hold them. I would recommend getting a second crab and really spending some time at the pet store getting to know the crabs and choose a crab who is active and willing to come out and crawl around on your hand while you are in the store.

Good luck!