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Hermit Crab Care

21 14:51:22

ok, so I got 2 hermit crabs and I know they need both fresh and saltwater. my question is: I happen to have those saline nasal sprays that claims to be just plain sterile sea water. can I use those? if not, do you know if Petco's "Saltwater Glub" is good? because I heard that those premixed saltwater you get at petstores are horrible for the crabs. also, both of my crabs recently molted, how long would it take until they start to eat again? would it be a good idea for me to give them the thin parts from lobster scraps since they eat their old exoskeleton for calcium? one last thing, well they wouldn't eat this HBH "Crab & Lobster Bites" I bought. as scavengers, should they eat all sorts of food?

Thank you

Andrew, Get the premade mix for hermit crabs. They eat veggies, fruit, tuna, but only leave in for about 30 minutes.....they are scavengers. Yes leave the skeleton for no more than 2 days. Here is a great care sheet for you. Good Luck, Tina