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sick crab

21 14:55:02

my nieces had a medium-sized crab in a critter keeper.  They left it in the car, and came back to a crab that was nearly out of his shell.  They rushed to a pet shop and got special water and a sprayer to try to save him. That was 2 days ago and he's still alive. Is he out of danger?  they also got calcium rich sand and cleaned the tank when they go thome and then put the new sand in. Now he's burowing.  Will he make it?

If he burrowed under his own power, he may well make it, he might have been over-heated, even though hermit crabs like it hot, temps above 95 are EXTREMELY dangerous... In a closed car in the heat of summer like this it can get to over 120 degrees in there, he may have just been trying to cool himself off. If he was gravely ill, about to die, he wouldn't be able to move at all, so he wouldn't be able to burrow, but don't bother him too much, being over heated has stressed him out and bothering him during this stressful period will possibly make him even sicker, so as long as his cage doesn't start stinking like rotting fish, leave him be to adjust on his own again.