Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Hermit Crabs > shelly


21 14:57:32

Hi- I didn't think about that fact that my hermit crab was molting, so I thought he had died. I pulled a bit on the old shell and saw his new little head and realized what was happening. 2 of the limbs fell off, so I clearly disturbed him. Is there anything I can do to de-stress him now? How and when will I know if I killed him? I am in a bit of a panic!
Thanks- Allison

Hi Allison,
Just leave the exo skeleton(crab parts) next to Shelly! She will need to eat them ! I would put a hidey log or a coco hut over her to give her some privacy! When you feed her add some crushed up eggshells and a bit of honey drizzled over the food! That will give her some calcium and sugar for energy ...she may be slow and not move a whole lot or eat for a few days so don't worry!  If she is dead she will start to smell! I am crossing my claws for you! Good Luck..try to go to
they have a section about molting that may answer more questions you may have!