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Lost limbs

21 14:55:24

My hermit crab lost all of it's legs and is just sitting there cooped in its shell. It
hasn't moved in days and it hasn't eaten.His name is kermit and I love him, but
i'm woried. He can't moult b/c he can't walk. What should I do about my loving

How big is the tank, how many hermits do you have, what is your temperature, what is you humidity, what kind of substrate do you use? get back to me with this info and i will tell you what you can change. He has a low chance of surviving but you can change to feeding him with a toothpick right into him mouth. he will suck on the pick.....just put some babyfood on it and he will be soo happy to eat. That way his last days are happy ones. He could live until he has to molt.....or you could supervise him and help pull off the exo but it would be ver stressful and he might not survive...but it is a better chance then just letting him go without a fight...Good luck!!