Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Hermit Crabs > hoping for survival - then what

hoping for survival - then what

21 14:56:55

QUESTION: we've had two crabs for just over two years, always in the same tank even during molting. since we  got them, one has steadily outgrown the other, molting more frequently and upsizing its shell (it's hard to find an intact shell light enough and big enough for it to go to next--I keep trying them and he tries them but sticks with the current one) we were out of town for 8 weeks this summer and had a housesitter, so don't know details of care (probably not as good) but they seemed ok when we got back....then I went out of town for five days and when I got back on August 24, ie 13 days ago, the little one was missing its left front claw. I had noticed the big one sort of pestering the little one before I left...can't say what it was exactly, as they often have hung out in the same corner, but the big one was climbing and climbing on the little one....he's become much more diurnally active than the little one over time.
I isolated the little one, and kept him moist; his activity has decreased steadily, and I was hoping he would molt and survive, but the injury seemed so gross. I also haven't left him alone as it's my daughter's pet and I really don't want to have a stinky dead discovery waiting for her if it does die. This morning it was not buried but apparently dead on the sand...I was sure it was dying last night, so was all upset and took the box outside and buried the crab, sand and all. Then it dawned on me that it was just possible that it had molted. And it had...we dug him up and there he was, tiny and way down in there. so we remade the cage and buried him carefully, and tonight he is definitely alive (probably really angry!!)--so I need to give him some very accessible calcium, since his exoskeleton is out in the garden..... and I need to know that since I've been messing with a molting crab (usually I don't touch them at all), is there anything I can do to promote his survival?????
the main question is, if he does survive, ought I to keep him separate from the big one??? I suspect the big one has kept him from eating???? maybe? or even attacked him.
What would you suggest (apart from don't bury a crab before checking the shell!!!what a stooge.)
thanks, penny williams

ANSWER: You know what, you're not the first person to have a funeral for a molting crab, and you won't be the last. First, unbury him. When they bury themselves the make a cave and he needs to have air around him. Place a cocohut or some cave over him in the ISO tank.

For good foods. Go to the pet store and get a cuttlebone in the bird section, mix some cuttle bone up with some honey and offer him that. Go to the seafood counter and get 2 or 3 shrimp with the tails on and chop them up and offer him that (raw or steamed). Unseasoned/unbuttered popcorn is also an excellent choice full of nutrients. You may have to offer these several times before he is well enough to eat. Also make sure you are offering fresh chlorine-free water and ocean style chlorine free salt water.

Molters are tricky. Some don't tolerate interference at all, some seem not to mind.

Once he has molted, give both crabs a bath or at least a dip in the communal water bowl and see if the behavior returns. If it does, offer lots of fresh proteins (silversides and shrimp are best) and lots of shell choices for both. Those are the two main reasons for cannibalism.

Did I answer everything?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi, thanks for getting back to me. the little crab actually had molted, is in his new exoskeleton but still in the hiding/solidifying phase. I have cuttlebone here for the crabs, so will try that. This morning, I peeked at him and his color was a little better. I ground up eggshell to tiny bits and placed a big pinch of them on the floor of his tank, then placed his shell back on top so he could get at it without trying to move his heavy shell. I then re-covered him with his usual coconut mulch/sand mix. I wouldn't think of trying him back in the big tank with the large crabzilla until he is up and walking around with all limbs intact. I had thought of trying some shrimp shells as they seem the same chitinous kind of structure I stupidly buried yesterday. I don't think he is strong enough to move his shell around yet, so don't know if he will go after the shrimp if I leave them anywhere except under his shell (he's in a typical snail-type of shell, with lots of space in the front while he's withdrawn back in the back, newly molted.
Hope this clarifies where we are right now.

When you give the crabs popcorn, do you pop it or chop up the kernels?? sorry to be dense. I've tried them on peanut butter in the past, but they ignored it. Plain tortilla chips too. Usually they have leaped on split green grapes and the leftover pits of nectarines and peaches....
I think he has enough air around--it's fluffy, damp mix.
I'll write again to let you know if he makes it. Let me know again, in the meantime, if you have any other suggestions. Penny Wms

ANSWER: I would still recommend not burying him, they actually make a little cave, I wish I could show you a picture through here LOL. You're right on the shrimp skin but he needs the protein too. For popcorn, it should be popped and it's NOT a dumb question, hermies are strange and you never know how things should go with them. I certainly have asked my fair share of questions! If he has eaten fruit for you in the past give it a try, there's really no wrong, just some nutrients more important than others. Expect him to be very slow going for at least 2 weeks.

The only other big important thing is the two waters, he'll need to replenish and mix his shell water and he needs fresh and salt water to do it properly.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks again. I didn't cover him up last night. Haven't checked him yet this morning. Two other questions:
1)Should I leave him some chopped up shrimp w/ tail nearby and let him figure out how to get to it?
2)How can I prepare salt water from non iodized salt and treated water? I used to have a little bottle of salt water hermit crab solution and followed the directions, but it disappeared while we were out of town for the summer; I went to the pet shop where we bought our crabs this week and the guy there told me hey don't need salt water and they had nothing. We have two bettas and I make the crab's water with the same treatment as the fish.

I think I will switch the big crab into the little iso. tank and put the little one back in the big tank where it won't be too crowded. I'll get a coco-hut today too: do you just put some of the moist coco mulch on the floor of the tank for it or use sand???? I'm trying to picture how to set up the things for the tiny guy to make it least stressful.
THANKS again for your help. Actually, I've seen their little caves from the corners of the tank where they go to molt.... I was trying to recreate the same thing.

I thought I answered this one last night. I'm so sorry!

1. Yep, and keep some of the shrimp in with that tail. Place it afew inches away where he can smell it. He'll make his way over when he is ready. Drizzle a little for an extra energy rush.

2. All table salts are bad because of the anti-caking agent they use. Use oceanic or instant ocean. In a pinch, you can get doc wellfish (aquarium pharmaceutical) salt from walmart in the fish section. But it's not the best choice.

Whatever substrated he was use to, that's what you use. Less stress the better.