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hermit crab temperature

21 14:56:11

Hi i was thinking to purchase 2 hermit crabs but the problem is that i also have reptiles in my room and they like it around 16 degrees at night and i heard this might be too cold for hermit crabs at night. So is it necessary to purchase some sort of heat mat and is it better to place it under the tank or at the side of the tank.And if i keep the hermit crabs around 26 degrees maximum during the day is it ok? thanks

I'm assuming that you are talking celcius, 16 farenheit would be really cold! LOL  Hermit crabs need to keep their temp/humidity between 74 and 82.

26C is an ideal temp during the day. An under the tank heater works well, so do lights from above. Place a UTH under the tank and make sure that your entire tank is propped up at least 1/2 inch off the table to protect your table.