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My hermits arent moving

21 14:52:40

They are alive, I've checked on them a dozen times but, in the last three days they haven't eaten, drank or left their cocohut. I forced them out earlier today (I lifted the hut and moved it across the tank) and they just crawled back in. They are not moving at night, the sand is pristine.

I've checked temperature, the humidity is never below 75% or above 85%, they have fresh food and water every day, proper daylight cycle.

They were just fine a month ago, they got along fine and wandered around the tank all night. They even fought at first, after the bigger one has asserted his dominance they got along famously.

Should I introduce the crab I have in ISO? I bought him a week and a half ago, he's still stressed out, I wasn't going to introduce him for another week or two. Maybe another body will liven them up?

Thanks in advance.

A group bath, and a total rearranging of their crabitat will work wonders. Getting some stinky food and throwing it in whole might entice them to get out and get to business. Keeping them active is important for maintaining their health and metabolism.