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Hermit crabs empty body shell

21 14:51:21

My hermit is no longer in its own body fragment. The crab is still in its shell but dead and the body of the crab is empty wher did the crab of and why did it die

Nate, It sounds like your crab shed. Its ok this is a normal process but very hard on them. Are you sure he is dead. He would smell just awful. If not he is probably far back in his shell waiting for his new shell to harden a bit. You can put a little water in there and see if he comes out. Do this only for a about 20 seconds and then dump the water out so he don't drown but, they will usually come out with the water in there unless he is being stubborn. I am going to send you a great guide on your crab with tons of neat facts. Good Luck Nate, Tina

P.S. If you tug on the empty shed and it comes right out remove it this time.If it does not want to come out gently leave it he has not finished shedding. The next time he sheds in quite awhile leave the shed in there for about 2 days they eat it for calcium.