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my crab molted now what?

21 14:54:40

My crab molted  yesterday and his skeltol skin is laying next to his shell,  You can only see his pincher hanging out.

What do I do from here? Will he come out and eat the shedded skin?  There is one other crab in the cage.  They are in a 10 gallon tank.  I have had the crab that molted for over a year and I love this little guy.  Some websites say to bathe them after molting others say to leave him alone.  Will he come out and walk around eventually or is it a process where he stays in there for a while?  I am worried about him and wonder whats next?   Thanks

You should leave him be. If you notice the other crab bothering him you might have to put the other crab into an ISO until your crab is finished molting.

Give him a few days to harden up and gain back his strength. Molting is a stressful time for them.

For more information on land hermit crabs or molting, feel free to visit